The Queer Quads Grass Volleyball League

starts Monday, June 3, 2024.

Location: Jimi Hendrix Park (2400 S Massachusetts St, Seattle, WA 98144)

Dates: 6/3, 6/10, 6/17, 6/24, 7/1, 7/8 (playoffs), 7/15 (playoffs)

Time: 6:30 PM

Your team is guaranteed 24 games (12 matches).

Cost: $450 per team or $350 if you can bring your own Parks and Sun net

$98 if you sign up as a free agent (individual with no team). We will place you in a team.

Your team will play 2 matches (2 games) per date with the sixth and seventh weeks being playoffs. Every team will make the first week of playoffs.

Level: B Level (Recreational) and BB (Intermediate)

Format: 4 players vs 4 players of any gender. Teams may have extra players sub in at any time. Games will be to 21 points, win by 2, no cap. Rally scoring.
